- A box containing ten to twelve objects, the names of which are phonetic (single symbol – single sound)
- Objects could be: jug, bus, car, hat, basket, hat, box, clog, pig, dog, peg, bag, drum, etc.
- Supply tray – pencil, paper, and scissors
- Prepared labels
- The child is ready for this first reading experience with classroom material if he reads words in the environment such as a book title, a word composed with the Moveable Alphabet or another word someone else has written.
- The directress writes in the chosen script and the labels are also typed in the same print.
- Be sure the presentation conveys to the child that reading is another way to communicate.
- The children are accustomed to working with second sounds and may need some time to fuse the sounds together to make a word with meaning.
- Box of objects
- Tray of materials
- Prepared labels
- Have the child take out all of the objects from the box and as he does so, have him name all f the objects so you are sure that the child knows what each is.
- Tell the child that you are thinking of one of the objects but you are not going to say a word.
- Write one of the objects a slip of paper.
- With the child, look at the letters and make the sounds of the word.
- Repeat the sounds a little fast and a little faster until you are both saying the word and not the individual sounds.
- Have the child repeat the word and then place the label with that item.
- Continue in the same way until you have placed all of the labels with the appropriate object.
- Ask the child to pick up the labels, mix them, read one by one and place them below the objects again.
- If the child doesn't struggle, then present the pre-written labels. - Tell the child that these are prepared labels for the objects.
- The child can read the prepared labels and place them next to their object.
- The child can work alone.
The child works as shown with the prepared tickets and objects alone.
- Box of objects
- Prepared labels
- Have the child place all of the objects in a vertical line.
- Ask the child what is the name of the first object in the column.
- The child says the name and then reads through the prepared labels to find the correct one.
- Continue in this way until all objects have a label.
The child can work as shown in the presentation.
- Supply Tray
- Tell the child, “I’m going to write something for you.”
- Have the child read it. For example the word “box” was written.
- Have the child bring the label and go to a shelf and have him find the word you have written. (For example, the child would bring the label to a box on the shelf and place the label on the box.)
- Repeat this for other words, one at a time, such as the words basket, map, jug. (Objects in the classroom with short phonetic names.)
- Once done, have the child pick up the labels from around the room.
- Box with words from the box written on them
- Bring the child over to the shelf and have him bring over the material.
- Tell the child that this is a set of cards for reading.
- Show him each card one at a time and have the child read the word on the card.
- The child can continue reading the cards on his own.
The child can read the cards as shown in the presentation.
- Box of objects (just use the prepared labels)
- Supply tray
- If needed, single lined paper
- Have the child bring over the material.
- Tell the child that we can now write all of the objects from the objects box.
- Give the child one prepared label.
- Have him read it, turn it over and then write it.
- Have him check his writing with the prepared labels.
- Place his written word and the prepared label up at the top of the table.
- Repeat for all of the labels. Place all of the written labels on top of each other and all of the prepared labels on top of each other.
- Then the child can make a booklet of all of the objects from the object box.
- To recognize there is another way to communicate
- To help the child realize that a written word is a group of sounds represented by graphic signs and has a meaning.
- Introduction to reading.
The directress
4 1/2 - 5 years onwards
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