-Creative writing is an avenue for self-expression but can also serve to communication. It can bring pleasure to both writer and reader. The first preparation of the child’s creative writing includes a richness of experience and a fullness of vocabulary for this experience. Broad experience will give the child the ideas of what to say and how to say it. It also gives the child much to think about and reflect upon.
The child learns to share his experiences with others and how to communicate them to others. The child given different experiences in creative writing becomes more self-confident in his own creative writing. This begins in the Oral Work done in language such as telling a story. The child’s creative expression continues when he writes his own thoughts and stories with the Moveable Alphabet. When he begins to master handwriting, he will be gaining the skill to writing his own thoughts.
Encouragement from the adult and confidence in the child will help the child to succeed.
Haiku is a major poetic form in Japan. A Haiku is very much like a painting. It conveys a
picture of delicacy, one that can be perceived readily by intuition. One writes a Haiku without
much logical reasoning. It reflects crystallization of a thought represented by a
picture in words. One renders a clearly realized image in words.
A Haiku consists of three lines, each line representing and element. The elements can be
answered to “what”, “where”, “when”. A Haiku, strictly speaking, includes some reference to
a season, wither directly or implied. This is to connect all of man’s thoughts with nature to
connect man to nature.
It is important to be direct, to describe something as it is. There must be a unifying elements
to the three statements. In Japanese, a Haiku follows a 5-7-5 pattern, meaning that the first
line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. The
mathematic relationship of these numbers is a harmonious one. Haiku may be written in more
or less syllables, especially in other languages. Simpleness must bring out the essence, rather
than too many descriptive adjectives and adverbs.
Snow having melted,
The whole village is brimful
Of happy children.
Dragonfly catcher
How far have you gone today
In your wondering?
O leaves, ask the breeze
Which of you will scatter first
From the verdant trees
No sky and no earth
At all. Only the snowflakes
Fall incessantly
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