A Table
Ask one older child to help you show the younger children how to offer help. Let the child know briefly how you plan on showing the lesson. Invite 3-4 children to come participate in your lesson. Show each child where exactly to sit. Have the older child sit down as well. Once the children are seated, you sit so that you can see them all, they all can see you, and yet you are not in front of them.
- Tell the children that sometimes in the classroom someone needs help doing something but has not asked.
- Tell the children that we can offer our help to each other even though our friends may tell us they do not want our help.
- Tell them that we are all going to practice how offer help to another person.
- Tell them that the older child is going to pretend that he is picking up a table.
- You and the older child stand up and pretend that he is trying to pick up the table.
- Very gently place your right hand on his shoulder.
- Remove your right hand.
- Say, “ (child’s name), would you like my help?” The older child can choose what to answer. (‘Yes, please’ or ‘No, thank you’)
- If he answered yes, pretend to help him.
- If he answered no, then smile and walk away.
- Sit down with the group.
- Offer each child a turn to offer their help to the older child.
Tell the children that they can now offer their help to others.
Thank the older child for their help.
Excuse each child at a time, making sure each child has thought of what he would like to de next.
Teaching the children grace and courtesy in the classroom.
Awareness of others in the class.
Waiting to hear the other child’s response to their offer of help.
2 1/2 – 3 1/2
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